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NEWS - "The Collective" Update, Donation to Marie Curie.

As you may have already seen, there has been a bit of a change to the line up for Twisty’s Horror Parade, including the up-coming ‘The Collective’ series.

A series of connected shorts telling the story of a Detective who has to return to his home town in order to solve the mystery behind some grisly and peculiar deaths.

This particular set of shorts is not only different from the others posted because they are Lovecraftian in nature, but also because, unlike the others on the Blog, they are for sale. Anyone who knows me by now, knows I do not do things for no reason. These stories are for sale at a £1 each due to the fact that 50p from each sale will go to Marie Curie.

I have mentioned this before, but I am a huge Horror fan, when it comes to FICTION. Saying this, when it comes to Horror in REAL LIFE, I will fight tooth and nail to try and irradiate it. It is with this in mind that I full heartedly support Marie Curie, who do amazing things. From simple Information and Support, to Nursing and Hospice care. Helping both the terminally ill and their families with what is happening to them.

So, let me explain for you why each part of the series will be £1. Obviously, 50p of that will go to Marie Curie. The other 50p will go towards upkeep of the Blog and ensuring that I am able to continue to write ‘The Collective’ series, which in turn will mean that it can continue to raise money for Marie Curie.

My goal is to use that 50p out of each £1 to cover expenses in order to bring more awareness to the series so that it can eventually, when the series is completely self-sustaining. Once that is done, the donation amount will be raised to 75p out of ever £1.

I am still setting everything up, however, if you buy four parts in one go, you will only pay for three. This will be set up in the next few days. And of course, you will be able to download it in PDF format. Each part of the series will be released bi-weekly, starting from Monday 27thMay 2019.

Thank you so much for reading below you can find an exert of the first part; “The Collective – Coming Home”.

“Insanity would have been a much more comfortable place to be than this. I stood on the edge of Sunny Cliffs name sake looking out at the ocean, wondering what it was that made me so sure, I was able to take on the world only a month ago.

I came here a sceptic, now I may not leave here at all. And it’s all thanks to a letter from a woman I have not laid eyes on since getting here. If she actually exists.

It stated plainly that something was wrong in her home town. That where it had once been peaceful, people were now being killed in the most peculiar ways. She begged for my help. So, I came.

Feeling the breeze on face my I waited for the sun to set and pondered, what exactly possessed me to drop everything, and travel a hundred miles back to where I had been born. Back into the small town which had once threatened to suffocate me.

I was brought up with the understanding that knowledge was power, and it was its brother and counter, the unknown, that was responsible for fear as we know it. That is why, when I came home as it were, I set about writing down my experiences. To try and make sense of the tangled web I had been snared on.

All I have managed to figure out though, is that there is a governing body in this town so secretive, so encompassing, it has managed to paint the town crimson. And so far, there has been only one out-cry. My lady and her letter. But even now as I write this down, I wonder if she is but, a construction of the governing body too.

My aunt, with whom I moved in with in the city, shortly after my first escape from Sunny Cliffs; would often scorn me. Tell me ‘Start at the beginning, and end at the end.’ This was because by the time I reached her company, I was so far withdrawn into myself that I would begin a sentence halfway through. Having begun it in my head.

It was down to her tough but fair love that I was able to become the man I am today, a Detective, and sort after by many counties to solve their crimes. This was why it did not feel unusual, to receive my unknown lady’s letter for help.

Now though, I must heed my aunt’s advice once more. And start at the beginning, even if I am unsure of the end.” - Copyrighted To Lydia Stone AKA Twisty.

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